Téma: Won Joo

döncimama 2014 nov. 03. - 17:43:21 10/10
döncimama 2014 nov. 03. - 17:42:56 10/10
döncimama 2014 nov. 03. - 12:23:18 10/10
Legfrissebb hír: Congratulations Yuchunt, annyira büszkék vagyunk rád!
Koreai Film Critics Association bejelentette, hogy Park Yuchun nyerte Best Rookie Actort The Year 34 Youngpyungsang Awardsben
Youngpyungsang Awards kritikusok által határozott koreai Film Critics Associationban. Yuchun nyerte Best Rookie Actort a Haemoóban való debütálásáért.

Congratulations Yuchun, we are so proud of you!
Korean Film Critics Association announced Park Yuchun won Best Rookie Actor of The Year in 34th Youngpyungsang Awards
Youngpyungsang Awards is decided by critics in Korean Film Critics Association. Yuchun won Best Rookie Actor for his debut in Haemoo.

http://news.naver.com/main/read.nhn?mode=LSD&mid=sec&sid1=106&oid=109&aid=0002920306&spi_ref=m_search_twitter …
döncimama 2014 nov. 03. - 10:39:23 10/10
döncimama 2014 nov. 03. - 09:13:34 10/10

JooWon@Moonjunwon's schedule for this week~ fully filming of Naeil's Cantabile.
JooWon fighting!^^/ ~♡
döncimama 2014 nov. 02. - 20:23:46 10/10
döncimama 2014 nov. 02. - 09:39:10 10/10
Actor Joo Won Shares His Hopes for Marriage in the Future
Actor Joo Won recently opened up about his dreams for his future marriage, revealing his ideal life as a married man.
On the November 1 broadcast of KBS’ “Entertainment Weekly” Joo Won sat down for an interview with the entertainment news program and discussed his ‘marriage fantasy.’
During the interview, the reporter asked the actor, “Do you have any thoughts on marriage?” In response, Joo Won shared, “I’ve thought [about marriage] since a long time ago. I still have fantasies about marriage.” The reporter then asked him to describe his fantasies, and he would let the actor know the difference between fantasy and reality of marriage life.
Joo Won started off, “I’ll describe the big picture. I wake up in the morning with sunlight shining down on me. When I wake up, my wife is cooking. After I wash up, we have a ‘morning kiss…’” At this point, the reporter cut in and joked, “No, you can’t do that. Your breath will stink.” Joo Won continued, “I wear the clothes that my wife picks out for me, put on sunglasses, head to the garage, and as I drive out…” The reporter stopped him again and playfully told him the reality: “The reality is, she will be sleeping until then. Even when you get back from work, she will be sleeping again,” causing Joo Won to burst into laughter.
However, Joo Won held on to his hopes, saying, “I would still like a picture perfect [marriage life].”

A lényeg, egy interjú során kérdezték õt a házasságról. Õ bizakodó és szeretne majd megnõsülni, röviden ecsetelte egy reggeli ébredés szépségét, csók stb.. aztán a feleség fõz, takarít stb.. Persze a riporter beszólt, hogy a csók gáz, mert reggel büdös a lehelet. Szóval elviccelõdtek, de JW kitart amellett, hogy a házasság manapság is lehet jó...
döncimama 2014 nov. 01. - 19:08:38 10/10 Előzmény Rhubarb
Én most néztem meg a második részt. A Kati-team Fansub is fordítja.

Nagyon tetszett. Kicsit furcsa szívem csücskét ilyen bunkónak látni.
De jókat nevettem! Nekem bejönnek a poénok. Kíváncsi leszek, hogy lesz belõle karmester. Épp most tépte össze a mester az átjelentkezõs papírját.
döncimama 2014 nov. 01. - 16:45:15 10/10
döncimama 2014 nov. 01. - 16:18:42 10/10

Én is ültem már ilyen hatalmas hajó-hintában, nagyon király!!
döncimama 2014 nov. 01. - 13:36:08 10/10
szakire 2014 okt. 31. - 20:28:50
döncimama 2014 okt. 31. - 14:11:00 10/10
döncimama 2014 okt. 31. - 13:33:34 10/10
[PIC] 2014.10.31 Movie ‪#‎FashionKing‬ VIPs Photo Wall stage
döncimama 2014 okt. 31. - 13:16:52 10/10
Egy másik kedvenc, Park Yoochun.
döncimama 2014 okt. 31. - 13:14:57 10/10
döncimama 2014 okt. 31. - 13:14:38 10/10
döncimama 2014 okt. 31. - 13:14:12 10/10