Rachel Khoo's Simple Pleasures / Home Comforts

I / 8. rész, 23 perc

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17:00, csütörtök (március 13.)
Food Network

17:25, csütörtök (március 13.)
Food Network

13:10, péntek (március 14.)
Food Network

Az aktuális rész ismertetője: Rachel makes comforting food to enjoy at home. Dishes include homemade pasta with spicy tomato sauce and a blueberry and oat lattice pie. (HD)

A műsor ismertetése: Cooking doesn't have to be difficult, nor does it require extravagant ingredients that are hard to find. From her home kitchen in Sweden, Rachel Khoo shares her secrets to cooking, providing viewers with delectable recipes created from easy-to-source ingredients, and guaranteeing enjoyment when it comes to rustling up dinner. Though her recipes are laced with simplicity, they are packed with flavour and she encourages viewers to recreate these mouthwatering fares.




Self - Presenter


