Téma: Won Joo

döncimama 2015 okt. 23. - 10:56:40 10/10
[K-STAR REPORT][한류스타 스페셜] 10월 넷째 주 BEST 5


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Sokat foglalkoznak az új filmjével, a That Guy-al, remélem majd mi is láthatjuk.
döncimama 2015 okt. 23. - 10:12:00 10/10
Sok kép van ezek ízelítõül, mert fõznöm kell, majd késõbb teszek még fel képeket.
döncimama 2015 okt. 23. - 10:10:46 10/10
döncimama 2015 okt. 23. - 10:10:09 10/10
[PRESS-PHOTO] 2015.10.23 JooWon Media Day Interview
döncimama 2015 okt. 22. - 20:19:00 10/10
döncimama 2015 okt. 22. - 20:18:31 10/10
döncimama 2015 okt. 22. - 20:18:05 10/10
döncimama 2015 okt. 22. - 19:51:07 10/10
döncimama 2015 okt. 22. - 12:11:23 10/10
..a kis bagós..
döncimama 2015 okt. 22. - 09:28:00 10/10
Jaj, a szívem.................
döncimama 2015 okt. 22. - 09:27:20 10/10
Joo Won for Singles Korea Magazine, November 2015 Issue.
döncimama 2015 okt. 21. - 23:32:18 10/10

Joo Won reveals when he plans to enter the military
JW jövõre tervezi, hogy bevonul....
döncimama 2015 okt. 21. - 17:43:50 10/10

Fashion magazine Singles revealed Joo Won‘s pictorial for their November issue. The actor just finished the wildly popular drama “Yong Pal” and is now looking forward to the release of his new movie “It’s Him.” During his interview he discussed the success of his drama and commented, “First of all, the script has to be good. That’s how people get interested in the characters that make the storyline come to life.”
When asked what he gained through “Yong Pal,” he replied, “Of course, it’s Tae Hee noona. It’s not just her face that’s pretty, but her personality as well. She is more and more charming the more you look at her.”

Joo Won also spoke about his new movie “It’s Him,” saying, “I want to make [movies] that make people feel happy while they are watching and when they leave the theater. My new character in the movie is going to be a turning point in my life.” You can find the whole pictorial and interview in the November issue of Singles.

Mivel már mind a két Singles képet betettem, most jöjjön egy másik...
döncimama 2015 okt. 21. - 09:57:04 10/10
döncimama 2015 okt. 21. - 09:56:38 10/10
Joo Won for Singles Korea Magazine, November 2015 Issue.
döncimama 2015 okt. 21. - 09:50:01 10/10

TVXQ’s Yunho Sent Joo Won a Special Video Before His Military Enlistment

Actor Joo Won shared a story about his good friend, TVXQ‘s Yunho.

During an interview on October 21, Joo Won revealed that he is thinking of enlisting at the end of next year. He then divulged, “Yunho called me when he came out for vacation from the military, and then again just outside of the base camp when he had to go back in.”
Joo Won added, “He’s super manly, and even the night before enlistment, he sent me a video of himself getting his head shaved. At first, he looked like a lot of thoughts were going through his head as he was getting his head shaved. But afterwards, it looked like he was at peace. He got some award at the military too.” He further relayed, “He doesn’t seem sad. He said, ‘I’ll be right back. I’ll get in touch with you once I get out.’ I hope I can be like him, too.”
Meanwhile, “It’s Him” is a mystery chaser film that deals with a man who lost his little sister. The man ends up tracking down her murderer with the help of a girl who can predict death. Joo Won plays Jang Woo, the lead character who chases after the murderer. The movie is set to open in theaters on October 28.

Színész Joo Won megosztott egy történetet a jó barátja, TVXQ Yunho a.

Egy interjú során október 21-én, Joó Won kiderült, hogy õ gondol besorozzák a jövõ év végéig. Ezután terjeszthetõk, "Yunho hívott, amikor kijött a nyaralás a katonai, majd ismét csak kívül az alaptáborba, amikor vissza kellett mennie a."
Joo Won hozzátette: "Õ szuper férfias, és még az éjszaka elõtt sorozás, õ küldött nekem egy videót a maga kezd a kopaszra borotvált. Eleinte úgy nézett ki, mint egy csomó gondolatok megy át a fejét, miközben egyre a fejét leborotválta. De utána úgy tûnt, hogy õ volt a béke. Kapott néhány díjat a katonai is. "Majd így folytatja közvetített," Úgy tûnik, nem szomorú. Azt mondta, "Én Hamarosan újra. Hozok önnel a kapcsolatot, ha kapok ki. "Remélem, tudok lenni, mint õ is."
Közben hogy "That Guy" egy rejtély üldözõ filmrõl, amely egy ember, aki elvesztette a húgát. A férfi végül nyomon követni az õ gyilkosa segítségével egy lány, aki meg tudja jósolni a halál. Joó Won játszik Jang Woo, a fõszereplõ, aki üldözi után a gyilkos. A film van beállítva, hogy nyissa meg a mozikban október 28-án.
döncimama 2015 okt. 21. - 09:40:38 10/10
döncimama 2015 okt. 21. - 09:40:09 10/10
döncimama 2015 okt. 21. - 09:39:41 10/10