Téma: Az áruló

Belle 2009 febr. 26. - 18:34:45
Angolul tudók az alábbi ismertetõt is elolvashatják, ha akarják.;-)


Hugo De Medina is an attractive, educated, mysterious and very self confident man, with a hard look and deep voice. He's successful both in business and with women. He's an incurable womanizer who dumps them once he gets tired of them. He's envied by every men in the city, including his twin brother Alcides, who's neither as successful nor as lucky as Hugo is, and keeps an envious and resented personality that can lead him to the worst as long as he gets to beat his brother at something.
Hugo's life suffers a radical change when he meets Soledad De Obregon, a young, beautiful woman, with an unusually overwhelming character for her time. She's the kind of woman who's not easily led by anything or anyone who's convinced that beyond any social conventional there must lay true love and commitment to the whom one loves.
Hugo falls deeply in love with Soledad. His feelings are so big he's willing to tell her his secret, something his butler Boris know about: he suffers from catalepsy, an illness that makes him seem dead when having an attack, and due tp which his father died in a terrible way: he was buried alive.
Hugo feels Soledad is the woman who will cure him.
Soledad and Hugo live an intense and beautiful love story, but they'll have to fight for their love when Soledad's parents find out. Esther, Soledad's mother will not accept Hugo because of his reputation and will join forces with Alcides in seporating them.
Alcides will also join forces with Arturo de Linares who is sworn to destroy Hugo, for his sister, Beatriz who is obsessed with him after accusing Hugo of something which actual was Alcides who acted as Hugo.
Soledad convinces her parents into giving there promition to marry Hugo and while she's working on preparation for her weddings she finds out she is pregnant but decided to put the news off until the ceremony is over.
The story takes a dramatic twist when Hugo suffers a catalepsy attack while Boris is away in a journey. Everyone thinks that Hugo is dead and he is buried alive, even know Alcides knows of his illness.
Soledad is drown into a deep depression and Alcides take advantage of the situation and the fact that Soledad is pregnant and get married in order to save her of the dishonour of being a single mother. Soledad only agrees to this marriage only to prevent her parents from suffering, but she'll keep faithful to her beloved Hugo's memory.
But Hugo doesn't die, he will return filled with spite when he finds out Soledad married his brother Alcides little after his supposed death. With the help of the Bukes and Dr Max he will set a plan to take revenge on Soledad, Alcides and on everyone who betrayed him.
Belle 2009 febr. 26. - 18:22:40
Én közben azt olvastam, hogy jó kis sorozat lesz... Mondjuk, nem fogom nézni folyamatosan, de idõnként biztosan belenézek. De gondoltam, kicsit feldobom ezt a topic-ot a képekkel.;-)
Belle 2009 febr. 26. - 18:19:34
La traición
Belle 2009 febr. 26. - 18:15:08
A fõbb szereplõk. -> A képek alatt feltûntetve az eredeti és a filmbéli nevük.
henett 2009 febr. 26. - 18:09:30
Az én szememben ez a sori, nem túl jó, de a kösztümök kicsit mentik a helyzetet! :)
henett 2009 febr. 26. - 18:08:20
Szia! :)))

Micsoda megfigyelõ vagy! :))

És a képek nagyon jók!:) Köszi! :))
Belle 2009 febr. 26. - 18:06:36
Danna García
Belle 2009 febr. 26. - 18:05:51
Õ sem kell szerintem...a kis García-nk!:-))
Belle 2009 febr. 26. - 18:04:58
Harry Geithner. Azt hiszem, õt nem kell bemutatnom: A Zorro la espada y la rosa címû telenovella Ricardo Montero-ja.:-))
Belle 2009 febr. 26. - 18:04:18
Harry Geithner. Azt hiszem, õt nem kell bemutatnom: A Zorro la espada y la rosa címû telenovella Ricardo Montero-ja.:-))
Belle 2009 febr. 26. - 18:03:01
Képek a sorozat szereplõirõl.:-)
Belle 2009 febr. 26. - 18:01:22
Salvador del Solar bizonyára többeknek ismerõs, õ a Fiorella-ban (Pobre diabla) is játszott Angie Cepeda partnere-ként. Személy szerint én nem csípem...;-)
Belle 2009 febr. 26. - 17:58:05
Képek a sorozat szereplõirõl.:-)
Belle 2009 febr. 26. - 17:57:45
Képek a sorozat szereplõirõl.:-)
Belle 2009 febr. 26. - 17:57:13
Képek a sorozat szereplõirõl.:-)
Belle 2009 febr. 26. - 17:56:46
Képek a sorozat szereplõirõl.:-)
Belle 2009 febr. 26. - 17:56:30
Képek a sorozat szereplõirõl.:-)
Belle 2009 febr. 26. - 17:56:03
Képek a sorozat szereplõirõl.:-)
Belle 2009 febr. 26. - 17:55:12
Képek a sorozat szereplõirõl.:-)
Belle 2009 febr. 26. - 17:54:52
Képek a sorozat szereplõirõl.:-)