Téma: So Ji Sub

bori3 2013 nov. 17. - 19:46:02
:DDDD ez a kép vajon filmbõl van, vagy civilben dohányzik????
bori3 2013 nov. 17. - 19:44:27
Hüpp.... én nem érteni... hüpp :((((
Myst-Era 2013 nov. 17. - 19:22:03
Myst-Era 2013 nov. 17. - 19:20:04
végeredmény, újságból scannelt fotó
Myst-Era 2013 nov. 17. - 19:19:09
Myst-Era 2013 nov. 17. - 19:15:58
Myst-Era 2013 nov. 17. - 19:14:55
a fotózás szünetében
Myst-Era 2013 nov. 17. - 19:13:21
Myst-Era 2013 nov. 17. - 19:11:06
Myst-Era 2013 nov. 17. - 19:06:06
Myst-Era 2013 nov. 17. - 19:03:58
Myst-Era 2013 nov. 17. - 18:57:04
OMG ... :)
Myst-Era 2013 nov. 17. - 18:54:49
Hm... :)
Myst-Era 2013 nov. 17. - 18:53:11
Myst-Era 2013 nov. 17. - 18:48:07
Sziasztok! Kellemes vasárnap estét :)
Myst-Era 2013 nov. 17. - 18:38:06
De jó volt újra olvasni :) Köszi!
eonni 2013 nov. 17. - 15:54:23 10/10
Jisub 2005. február 28-án vonult be a hadseregbe. Véletlenül bukkantam rá a búcsúlevelére, amit a rajongóinak írt.
Angolul hozom...nem merem bevállalni a fordítást, mert a tökéletes munkára nincs idõm, összedobni meg nem akarom. :-(

Translated by Priscilla

Yes… Let me say ‘Hi’ to you all.
How are you doing? This is So Ji Sub.
It is because of your love I’m able to stand here like this.
This is actually the first time I’m spending time with you in this way, greeting you all in this public camping arena.
It’s been already 10 years since my debut.
I feel that it was because of the love given by all of you standing right here before me that I was able to come this far.
It was your constant and unmovable ways of watching me and my acting, it was because of your existence that the So Ji Sub of today exists.
I thank you all.
My lack of speaking ability had made it very difficult for me to show my heart to you.
I can recall many incidents in the past I had felt sorry for you.
The time when, though not my intention, people who came to see me were sent back without me greeting you. The time you came while I was leaving, even if you could only see me for a short time, but I had to leave like that without saying proper ‘Good Bye.’ Your faces were sharing my burdens, feeling my pain. I will surely remember every details, every moment of it~ and I can’t stop feeling sorry.
Whatever the circumstances, even in bad situations, your lovely hearts always received me with a smile. To you who experienced all kinds of setbacks but instead of glaring with irritation you gave me the warmest looks: I just don’t know how to thank you!
That is why at least in this place I wanted to thank you for the opportunity you gave me to show you a little more of myself by spending closer time with you.
All of you standing here in spite of the cold weather, you are lighting up this place and you really look~ wonderful.
If it were only possible, my heart wishes to embrace each one of you individually.
Not too long from today, I won’t be able to meet you in public for a little while.
If we think it’ll be too long, it’ll feel like a very long time. But I believe that if I think I am not alone, and that you’re all with me, this thought alone will keep me going.
By all means, keep yourself healthy till the day we meet again, and don’t forget this So Ji Sub, instead do keep me deep inside your hearts.
Even I, wherever I go, or whatever I do, I will think of you and do my best~ so that when I stand again before you, I will have become a better So Ji Sub.
Thank you.
~~~ I love you.
Pattika69 2013 nov. 17. - 15:33:55
Nagyon jó volt ez a vidi, egy mini dorama és annyira jól áll neki ez a fajta karakter!!
eonni 2013 nov. 17. - 15:01:04 10/10
Hogy Te milyen kincseket találsz? Még nem láttam, de mára tervbe véve! :-)

Pihenésképpen Esztokam egy régi bejegyzésén szórakoztam nagyon jól! :-)
eonni 2013 nov. 17. - 14:26:59 10/10