Téma: Sherlock

bruderlein 2013 jún. 04. - 23:50:55 10/10
You wanna remember Sherlock I was a soldier, I've killed people!
You were a doctor!
I had bad days!

(na, az I had bad days is szalloige lett nalunk.. :) )

Ja, meg amit a legtobbszor mondunk talan a korabban emlitettek mellett az az I need some, get me some!
galen 2013 jún. 04. - 23:50:54 10/10
a hangsúlyokat is hosszasan lehetne elemezni...

pl. time for evening soother
bruderlein 2013 jún. 04. - 23:49:33 10/10
galen 2013 jún. 04. - 23:47:29 10/10
egy jelentben két ekkora poén, (és már eleve a nemzet szívében ülni egy szál lepedõben....)
bruderlein 2013 jún. 04. - 23:46:21 10/10

Egyebkent ha mar hangsulyozasnal tartunk... az abszolut kedvencem a Houndsbol talan ez volt:
Hello brother dear, how ARE you?
(marmint hangsulyozasra... ezutan hosszasan igy koszontem a batyamnak... :) )
bruderlein 2013 jún. 04. - 23:44:33 10/10
Es most kb ide irhatnam a teljes Buckingham palotas jelenetet... mert az egesz zsenialis... de csak ennyit mondok:

Are you wearing any pants?

Can;t you two just once behave like grown ups?
We solve crimes, I blog about it and he forgets his pants.. I wouldn't hole up too much hope...
galen 2013 jún. 04. - 23:44:32 10/10
jó éjt!!!
Démétér456 2013 jún. 04. - 23:44:08 10/10
Bizony, Mycroftot méltatlanul mellõztük, pedig isteni mondatai vannak! :) És az a posh kiejtés hozzá, imádnivaló!
Az S2E1 meg a kedvencem, azt hiszem.

(Akkor is elmegyek aludni. Mycroft ide vagy oda.)
galen 2013 jún. 04. - 23:43:54 10/10
most hogy ennyi idézetet beszórtunk és még mennyi van...hihetetlenek Moffaték, ilyet tényleg csak spontán lehet megírni és lelkesedésbõl...
Démétér456 2013 jún. 04. - 23:42:06 10/10
Én elmegyek aludni, mert - érthetetlenül - leragad a szemem. Két napig szabadságon leszek, felhozom magam zenékbõl, képekbõl, fanfictionbõl, és talán valami értelmeset is csinálok közben. De ez még nem biztos. Jó éjt!
bruderlein 2013 jún. 04. - 23:40:57 10/10
Azt hiszem leszogezhetjuk, h nagyon nehez abszolute kedvencet talalni... mindegyik resz tele van jobbnal jobb mondasokkal...
egyebkent mikor lement Angliaban a masodik evad elso resze (2012 januar elsejen) akkor irtak azt a kritikakban, h hallani lehetett, ahogy a forgatkonyv irok feljajdulnak vilagszerte, mert mar elhangzottak az ev legjobb mondatai :)

I've missed something, haven't I? :)

Illetve Mycrofttol az egyik kedvencem a S2E1-bol:
“In the end, are you really so obvious? Because this was textbook. The promise of love, the pain of loss, the joy of redemption. Then give him a puzzle, and watch him dance.”

We are in Buckingham Palace, the very heart of the British nation... Sherlock Holmes, put your trousers on!

Ja nem is, a kedvencem tole a:
you don't trust your own secrest service?
Naturally not, they all spy on people for money!
galen 2013 jún. 04. - 23:37:55 10/10
Sherlock: I knew what effect it had on a superior mind so I needed to try it on an average one. You know what I mean.
Watson: But it wasn't in the sugar.
Sherlock: Yeah well. I wasn't to know you'd already been exposed to the gas.
Watson: So you got it wrong.
Sherlock: No.
Watson: You were wrong. It wasn't in the sugar. You got it wrong.
Sherlock: A bit. Won't happen again.
galen 2013 jún. 04. - 23:36:46 10/10
Sherlock: Oh this case, Henry. Thank you. It's been brilliant.
Watson: Sherlock.
Sherlock: What?
Watson: Timing.
Sherlock: No good?
Démétér456 2013 jún. 04. - 23:35:25 10/10
A spectacurarly ignorant nálunk is szállóige lett :) Meg a Don't talk out loud, többnyire nem is kell folytatni a you lower the IQ of the whole street-tel.
galen 2013 jún. 04. - 23:35:07 10/10
jajaj igen!!!
galen 2013 jún. 04. - 23:33:46 10/10
Lestrade: I suppose he likes having the same faces back together. It appeals to his... his...
Watson: Aspergers?
bruderlein 2013 jún. 04. - 23:33:20 10/10
Igen.. megint fejbol ideztem, szoval nem teljesen pontosan... :)
egyebkent amit mi a legtobbet idezunk baratokkal az a 3-patch problem.. illetve en szoktam neha mondani, h It's primary school stuff, how can you not know that!

meg persze az elotte levo parbeszed is zsenialis...
Did you like it?
I thought you would be flattered...
Flattered? "Sherlock sees through everyone and everything in seconds. What's incredible though is how spectacularly ignorant he is about some things."
No, hang on a minute! I didn't mean it..
Oh you've meant spectacularly ignorant in a nice way..
Démétér456 2013 jún. 04. - 23:32:51 10/10
Jaj, jaj, jaj, nem is, mert a Houndsból a kedvencem ez:
J: Can we please not do this this time?
S: Do what?
J: You being all mysterious with your... cheekbones... And turning your coat collar up so you look cool.
S: I don't do that!
J: Yeah you do :)
galen 2013 jún. 04. - 23:32:35 10/10
Sherlock: John! You are amazing! You are fantastic!
Watson: Yes, alright. Don't have to overdo it.
Sherlock: You've never been the most luminous of people, but as a conductor of light you are unbeatable.
Watson: Cheers. What?
Sherlock: Some people who aren't geniuses have an amazing ability to stimulate it in others.
Watson: Hang on, you were saying sorry a minute ago. Don't spoil it.
galen 2013 jún. 04. - 23:31:27 10/10
Watson: Let's just stick to the facts.
Sherlock: Once you rule out the impossible, whatever remains—however improbable—must be true.