Téma: Gerard Butler

Babca 2012 jan. 06. - 12:27:08 10/10
Babca 2012 jan. 06. - 09:59:09 10/10
Nekem amúgy úgy tûnik, hogy õk ketten mindig jól szórakoznak együtt :)
Babca 2012 jan. 06. - 09:58:14 10/10
Babca 2012 jan. 06. - 09:57:12 10/10
Gerry tegnap a Coriolanus vetítése után még egy talk show-ban is megjelent. Egy ottani nézõ írta:

Tonight I was lucky enough to attend the recording of the Graham Norton Show where Gerry was a guest to promote Coriolanus.

Gerry came right after the red carpet event for the special screening of the film. He was wearing the same clothes but let me just say that the photos I have seen so far from the screening do not do justice to the real thing. Both his clothes and himself looked 100 times better. In fact Gerry looked better tonight than he has in many months. I dare say even better than in Toronto. He has put on a little weight in all the right places and the fresh sea air has done wonders for him. He was beaming with health and for those who missed the thighs let me just say, the thighs are back!

The hair is still long but the beard was under control. He said he is still not done with Mavericks so I guess those who love the current hair will enjoy them for a while longer. Those of us who prefer him with shorter hair, hope is not lost, we just have to wait for his current filming to end.

I don't want to give too much away until people have had a chance to watch it on TV or the internet (on Friday in the UK and Saturday in the US). The filmimg lasted for a full two hours so unfortunately this means that some stuff will not make it to the actual show, we'll see. Once we have seen the show, I will feel you in on the bits that didn't make it.

He talks in detail about the surfing accident. It was as bad as we thought it was and the papers made it to be. He actually becomes emotional while talking about it. It was a close call and we have to thank God for getting him out of this hairy situation. He said he was hoping to be back tomorrow to catch the really big waves. Of course they are not allowing him to go back there but I guess he wants to at least see those Mavericks! It wasn't clear if he would actually manage to leave tomorrow though.

He discusses kilts, mentions the incidents from his sister's and brother's wedding and forgets that he actually premiered LAC in Glasgow in a kilt. Good thing Moira and I reminded him. It was hilarious, I hope it makes it to the final show.

There was talk about his body and Gerry thought Graham would show the Barbados photos. He doesn't but Gerry really seemed terrified of them, I got the impression that they seriously bothered him, silly man. I shouted that those photos were lovely and he made fun of my (sort of) English accent. If it doesn't make it to the final cut, I will give you a description.

They asked him about the convention and he seemed a little embarrassed to talk about it in the sense that he is too humble to deal with a convention in his name. Moira, being a mod at Gals, was asked about it and she handled it lovely. Moira was the other star of the show, I hope we get to see her bits, I will report more we don't but I don't want to spoil it right now.

They did remember to ask him about Coriolanus, not as much as they should have, but still they were encouraging about people going to see it.

The only sad bit was that Gerry did not sing with Noel Gallagher alhtough Graham and Gerry mentioned that Gerry loves Wonderwall and sang it at his birthday party.

There was talk about when he was drinking and smashing wine glasses on his head and trying to impress the ladies. Having said all these anecdotes, he really wanted to stress that these days are in the past and underlined the fact that he was drinking water when everyone else there (the other guests) were drinling beer.

The cutest thing was when Gerry was not answering questions. He was adorable like during the Howard Stern interview. A big, adorable boy, fidgeting and rotating his foot and that sort of stuff. Still, he is multitasked and was paying attention to what the others were saying and had a few funny comments here and there.

I will write more once we know what made it to the final show.

Babca 2012 jan. 06. - 09:53:25 10/10
És van pár egész szép HQ is közötte.
Babca 2012 jan. 06. - 09:52:38 10/10
A galson is van rengeteg fotó a tegnapi Coriolanus vetítésrõl: http://gbgalsgallery.com/v/premieres/cori010512/?g2_page=1
Babca 2012 jan. 06. - 09:50:19 10/10
Húúú micsoda terpesz :)
Babca 2012 jan. 06. - 09:49:56 10/10
in the car
Babca 2012 jan. 06. - 09:49:37 10/10
Babca 2012 jan. 06. - 09:49:21 10/10
Babca 2012 jan. 06. - 09:49:06 10/10
Babca 2012 jan. 06. - 09:48:50 10/10
Babca 2012 jan. 06. - 09:48:33 10/10
Babca 2012 jan. 06. - 09:48:15 10/10
Sajnos ezeket csak vízjelesen találtam meg.
Babca 2012 jan. 06. - 09:47:45 10/10
Nem csalódtam benne, hozta a szokásos lökött formáját :DDDD
Babca 2012 jan. 06. - 09:46:27 10/10
Nagyon hideg lehet arra, ha Gerry összehúzza magán a kabátja cipzárját és még a kapucniját is felteszi...
Múzsacsók 2012 jan. 06. - 05:33:11 10/10
Múzsacsók 2012 jan. 06. - 05:15:50 10/10
Mert muszáj....
Múzsacsók 2012 jan. 06. - 05:14:52 10/10
Múzsacsók 2012 jan. 06. - 05:13:42 10/10