Téma: Gerard Butler

Babca 2010 okt. 20. - 19:11:39 10/10
talán ezt
Babca 2010 okt. 20. - 19:10:23 10/10
Gretchen Wilson
Hááát, én nem tudtam ki a csaj, ezért kerestem rá. Nem szimpi egyáltalán.
Babca 2010 okt. 20. - 19:09:25 10/10
Ez egy nagyon édes sztori. Sorry, de fordítást most nem vállalok.

Just Jared-rõl:
I lost my first post, so this is a repeat of what it was, as when I clicked on submit, it blinked, and went to a blank page, and was gone. To the poster who posted the article about Gerry being engaged to country singer, Gretchen Wilson; my sister and brother-in-law are currently in New York City on a business trip for my brother-in-law’s company. They are staying at a hotel in the Soho district of Manhattan. Last night, they decided to take a walk around Soho, and get some late dinner, and they stopped at a nice little sidewalk cafe for their dinner. They had been there only a few minutes when who should walk up with a couple of his friends, but Gerry Butler. They sat down at a table right next to my sister and brother-in-law. My sister had never met a stranger in her life, and is not at all shy, so she spoke to Gerry and asked him for an autograph, told him how she had admired his work (though she has never seen but just a very few of his movies), and she said that he was very gracious and friendly about it and gave her the autograph. She said that he then started up a conversation with her and my brother-in-law and they talked for about 15 minutes with him asking her questions about where they were from, about their life, my brother-in-law’s business, and just general chit chat. I had told her, just in talking with her about the article about him and Gretchen Wilson being engaged on the Internet. She knows that I am a big fan of his, but we didn’t go into any detail about it, since there was no detail to discuss, just that it had been noted on the Internet that they were engaged to be married. In the course of the conversation between them and Gerry, she just asked him about it, told him that she had heard that he and Gretchen Wilson were engaged to be married, that it had been posted on the Internet. He asked her who Gretchen Wilson was, that he had never heard of her, and that this was a new one on him. That most of the women he had been linked to, he either did not know, or just casually knew, but this one was a new one on him, because he didn’t even know who she was. My sister said that he was one of the nicest people she had ever met, and that his friends were also very friendly and joined in the conversation too. Both friends were male. All through their meal, she said that he would lean over and ask her questions, and that at the end of the meal, he ended up paying for their dinner. She could not say enough good things about him, about his friendliness, his openess, and his generosity. She said he was very gracious and a real gentleman. She has never been one to be an enthusiastic fan of any actor or actress, though there are many that she favors over others, but I think last night she became a true fan of Gerry Butler’s. It turned out to be one of the most memorable nights of her life.
Babca 2010 okt. 20. - 18:05:20 10/10
Tényleg hamarabb beköltözöl, mint én ;)
Harry Potter :) Én is elolvastam az összes könyvet, de azért ennyire nem vagyok oda érte :)))
Babca 2010 okt. 20. - 17:55:17 10/10
Tudom, hogy mekkora a 300 grammos tábla :) De látod nekem már a csoki mennyiségérõl is Gerry ugrott be. Ez már tényleg beteges. Azt hiszem megyek és keresek egy kiadó gumiszobát....
Babca 2010 okt. 20. - 17:49:50 10/10
És gondolom a 300-as kiszerelés csak véletlen egybeesés és nincs köze a Gerry mániádhoz ;)
Babca 2010 okt. 20. - 17:48:36 10/10
Hát igen, van, amit nem lehet elégszer megnézni :)
Babca 2010 okt. 20. - 17:46:42 10/10
Epres-tejszínes :) Hmmm, az naaaagyoooon jóóóó!
Babca 2010 okt. 20. - 17:46:01 10/10
Amúgy már 3 napja megint nincs semmi új. Nem hiszem el, hogy megint lelépett valahová! Áááá! Nem teheti ezt velünk folyton!
Már tudom milyen posztot akarok betölteni a sleppen belül. Én leszek a menedzsere és minden hétköznapra legalább szervezek egy nyilvános megjelenést paparazzik által sûrûn látogatott területekre, hogy a rajongóknak legyen mindig min csámcsogni.
Nincs rosszabb a Gerry elvonási tüneteknél!!!!
Babca 2010 okt. 20. - 17:42:48 10/10
Nem, szerencsére. Befejeztem mindent, amit meg nem az megvár holnapig.
Mizujs? Gyûjtögeted az erõd a holnapi maratoni melóra?
Babca 2010 okt. 20. - 17:37:22 10/10
Ezt a nagyon cukit láttuk már? Óóóó, az a mosoly :)))))
Igaz, ez nem autós.
Babca 2010 okt. 20. - 14:19:38 10/10
Akkor ott :) Neked elhiszem... Na már tényleg megyek. Pááá!
Babca 2010 okt. 20. - 14:18:17 10/10
Most mennem kell. Ebédelek, aztán belevetem magam a munkába, mert a végén még itt kell maradnom túlórázni.
Babca 2010 okt. 20. - 14:16:31 10/10
Ó, jaj! Hogy is kell beindítani ezt az autót?
Babca 2010 okt. 20. - 14:15:53 10/10
Babca 2010 okt. 20. - 14:14:45 10/10
Cuki kockás sapiban, viszont a póló a leggázabb, amit valaha láttam rajta!!! Egy megoldás van a póló-problémára: Tépjük le róla! Minek az rá?
Babca 2010 okt. 20. - 14:12:55 10/10
Húúú, de nehéz bekászálódni abba az autóba :)
Babca 2010 okt. 20. - 14:12:26 10/10
Én is!!!!!
Babca 2010 okt. 20. - 14:10:27 10/10
Tavaly a szülinapi bulija után Londonban
Babca 2010 okt. 20. - 14:09:34 10/10
Igen, ez egy határozottan szexi nadrág :)