Téma: Dr. Csont

csikrisz 2011 dec. 05. - 20:34:15 10/10
Hát nem tudom, szerintem azzal hogy felidegesítik a Bones rajongókat és ilyen látványosan arra használják a Bones-t hogy népszerûsítsék a másikat, csak ellenszenvet váltanak ki!
Mindenki készült rá hogy még 2 rész kap idén, a Finder hülye marketingje miatt meg sittbe vágták az egészet. Fúj.

Én is gondoltam rá hogy belenézek, de ezek után lehet h inkább New Girl meg Modern Family marad..
Gréti18 2011 dec. 05. - 20:19:37
Teljes mértékben megértem õket...eddig sem voltam odáig a Finderért, most már végképp...azzal biztatom magam, hogy a karácsony meg szilveszter miatt amúgy is hamar elröppen a december. :)
csikrisz 2011 dec. 05. - 20:16:12 10/10
Aligha. Már bejelentették a Fox konferencián........

Az amerikai rajongók lincshangulatban vannak. Utálják a Findert (nem csodálom)...

Ilyeneket írnak:
"The Finder is as much loved by the Bones fandom as Hannah Burley was."
Gréti18 2011 dec. 05. - 20:13:47
Remélem meggondolják magukat és karácsonyi ajándékként szépen visszapakolják decemberre! :D
csikrisz 2011 dec. 05. - 20:10:10 10/10
Csajok, rossz hírem van!!!!!

A 7x06-ot január 12-re tették a december 15 helyett! Vagyis a most csütörtöki lesz idén az utolsó rész!!!
Aznap lesz a Finder elsõ adása, gondolom azért is hogy minél többen nézzék.
(bár végül is talán nem olyan nagy baj, mert így max 3 hónap telik majd el a 6. és a 7. rész között...)

Hát nem tudom. Az nekem sem tetszik, ami sok amerikai rajongónak, hogy a Bones-t használják fel a Finder népszerûsítésére.... :S Én nem várom a Findert...


“Fans of #BONES gather ‘round want to share something with you before you read it in the press or whatever. FOX is moving the 12/15 #BONES episode to 1/12 as the lead in to the premiere of THE FINDER. Both @HARTHANSON and @squarechicken are on board for this move and we wanted you to hear it first. I’m sure some of you may be pissed but hopefully many of you are happy that you get an extra #BONES in the new year. Either way u know that I respect your passion + support for #BONES and out of respect we wanted you to hear it from us. Happy Holidays.”

Breaking BONES news via @maskedscheduler on Twitter (via thetvaddict)
csikrisz 2011 dec. 05. - 19:53:05 10/10
Brennan-Faces ♥♥
csikrisz 2011 dec. 05. - 19:48:10 10/10
Bones Girls - Smiles :)
csikrisz 2011 dec. 05. - 19:45:05 10/10
HH válasza hatalmas!!!!! :)))))))))))))
csikrisz 2011 dec. 05. - 19:41:35 10/10
David-ék készülnek a karácsonyra. Tegnap Bella fát választott, ma meg ez:

Ez a látvány nálam is mindig kiveri a biztosítékot. Annyira ideges leszek tõle..!! :)))
csikrisz 2011 dec. 05. - 19:38:56 10/10 Előzmény pluhildi
Szerintem hihetünk. A 7. évad elsõ 6 részének side-jai (a BB-jeleneteknél) 80%-ban ugyanazok voltak! :)
csikrisz 2011 dec. 05. - 19:26:45 10/10 Előzmény pluhildi
"Cam vezette le szülést az íróasztal tetején akinek Paul segített a kórházból webkamerán"

:DDDDDDD Ez annyira jó! :))
pluhildi 2011 dec. 05. - 16:31:04 10/10 Előzmény csikrisz

nagyon jók a slide-ok (már ha hihetünk nekik) valami hasonlóra tippeltem korábban is....

aki nem akar semmit tudni ne nézzen bele!!! én próbáltam... nem ment XD

"I'm not going to make it to the hospital..... aaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhh"
pluhildi 2011 dec. 05. - 16:02:09 10/10
ha már vajúdó Brennan-nál tartunk, a napokban fejeztem be egy igencsak hosszúra sikerült fanfic-et angolul, végigment az egész terhességen, és ami amúgy nagyon jópofa volt, néhol csöpögött a sok romantikázástól volt ahol már túlságosan is, de a legjobban az tetszett amikor világra jött a kislány... betenném nektek ha nem lenne túl hosszú az a rész is, de amolyan igazi Bones-os volt az tuti...

röviden annyi, hogy a mindenórás Bones valami baromi érdekes ásatás miatt bement a laborba, Booth meg a bíróságra... kint meg közben hóvihar tombol (jól kezdõdik mi???)
a laborban Hodgins és Cam éppen Michelle elpusztult nyulát(!) vizsgálta, mert azt hitték a szobanövény ölte meg, Hodgins pedig tesztelni akarta a békáin... és pont amikor Bones megérezte, hogy elfolyott a magzatvize a labor karantén alá került mert elszöktek a békák, amik amúgy mellékesen mérgezõek voltak és 50 db volt belõlük, Booth meg sehol....
persze a békákat elég nehezen találták meg, laborból se ki se be, Cam vezette le szülést az íróasztal tetején akinek Paul segített a kórházból webkamerán, miközben már mindenki más aki csak a laborban volt a békákat kereste, Booth meg csak az utolsó pillanatban ért oda...

na és ehhez képzeljétek hozzá a Bones féle stílust, egy szóval haláli volt...

végül minden rendben volt, a kislány megszületett, mindenki hepi volt
ja és a Lilly nevet kapta...

ezt csak azért gondoltam betenni, mert egy ilyen kavarodást simán el tudtam volna képzelni a múlt héten és ahogy most olvastam a kiszivárogtatott részleteket, lesz valami hasonlóban részünk :)
e-batta 2011 dec. 05. - 14:21:34
upsz... hát hogy egy tét nélküli játék esetében is visszaélnek, ez mindent elmond némelyekrõl :( (mi a túrónak kell csalni, ez nem egyetemi ZH!) én tisztára élvezem a nyomozást, fõleg, mert így közben találok olyasmit is, amit régen láttam, vagy rosszul emlékeztem... szóval nem értem... de hagyjuk is...
csikrisz 2011 dec. 05. - 14:01:54 10/10
Pont ezt akartam Neked írni én is tegnap. Csak elaludtam. :)
csikrisz 2011 dec. 04. - 23:56:56 10/10
David Twittere: http://www.whosay.com/davidboreanaz/photos/100339

Gyönyörû ez a kislány.
csikrisz 2011 dec. 04. - 23:49:56 10/10
Lefordítom, de lehet hogy már csak holnap lesz belõle.
csikrisz 2011 dec. 04. - 23:49:24 10/10
Menjetek Bones-t nézni!! :D
csikrisz 2011 dec. 04. - 23:37:31 10/10
Fent van a Lazy&Kabuki 7x04 magyar felirat a hosszupuskán!!

Yeeeyy! :]]
csikrisz 2011 dec. 04. - 22:34:54 10/10
Hoztam egy aranyos cikket Emilyrõl (2007, Women's Health Magazine)
A jógás részen akkorát nevettem!! Teljesen egyetértek. :)
Azt pedig nem is tudtam, hogy pont akkor szakított, mikor elkezdõdött a show.
"I was definitely jumping around my apartment when I got it." <3333
A srácról pedig akit említ annyit tudok, hogy nem David Hornsby volt. :) Nem tudjátok ki volt ez a brit pasi?

Interview with Emily Deschanel

When the star of Fox's hit TV show Bones isn't memorizing terms like "proximal phalanges," she's hanging with sister Zooey Deschanel, hitting the treadmill, and turning costars into vegans

Sarah Miller

Emily Deschanel is 10 minutes late. Rushing through the door of a West Hollywood café in a short, flowy dress and 4-inch heels, she looks slim, gorgeous, and worried. "I am so sorry," she says. "I hope you weren't waiting long."

Okay, so she's clearly no diva, though given her famous family, that would be no surprise. Her dad is Oscar-nominated cinematographer Caleb Deschanel, who shot The Right Stuff and Apocalypse Now. Her mom is actress Mary Jo Weir, and her sister is starlet Zooey. But over the past 6 years, Deschanel, 30, has built up a résumé of her own, starting with a small role in the 2002 miniseries Rose Red, which led to bit parts in Cold Mountain and Spider-Man 2 and appearances on a smattering of TV dramas. In 2005, she finally scored the lead in the genuinely hair-raising Boogeyman.

Now she's forensic anthropologist Temperance Brennan on Bones, a role that allows her to play a three-dimensional human. "I love that she's a strong, intelligent woman who has flaws," says Deschanel, referring to Brennan's tendency to treat victims like math problems. Lack of emotion isn't an issue in her real life: She's too sensitive to eat a hamburger and has cried over missing a line. Good thing she's toughening up...

-I assume those heels aren't leather, because you're a vegan, right?

-They're by Stella McCartney. All of her shoes are vegan. I've been a vegan for about 15 years. I went to a pretty liberal high school, and we watched Diet for a New America [a 1987 exposé on how food choices affect health and the environment]. And I just stopped eating and wearing animal products after that.

-Did you grow up in one of those no sugar-cereal families?

-Totally. No sugar cereal. Hot dogs with no nitrates. We weren't allowed to have McDonald's. When the babysitter came, we could have Kraft macaroni and cheese.

-Would you ever throw paint on anyone's fur coat?

-No. But I think I can convince anyone to become a vegetarian. [Bones costar] David Boreanaz used to make fun of me for being a vegan, but then I started giving him vegan food to eat, and he loves it. Now he tries to eat vegetarian 1 day a week.

-Do you practice yoga too?

-I used to, but now I'm so busy that it stresses me out. All I can think the whole time is, "How long am I going to be here?" The last class I took was with my sister, who, by the way, used to be annoyed that I was so into yoga. The teacher was so slow I wanted to strangle her. That's not very Zen!

-So how do you manage to fit into all those cute pants you wear on the show?

-I have a treadmill, and I work out with my trainer, Julie Diamond, as often as possible. She's so positive. She's never like, "Move your fat butt!" It's more like, "Think of how you'll feel when you're in great shape." And she's right. There are weeks when I don't exercise at all, and I don't feel good.

-What motivates you to get on the treadmill?

-For me, it always has to be about health. That's why I'm a vegan. Well, I don't even do that for my health entirely, I do it for animals. The point is, there always has to be a better reason than looking good, or I won't stick with it.

-Your Bones character strives for perfection. Do you?

-Yes, especially when I first started the show. It was a very emotional time for me personally. I had just gone through a breakup, and I had started this big job that demanded a lot of me. After 15-hour days and no sleep, if I didn't know a line I would just break down crying. Now I'm a lot more understanding of myself.

-Were you always a perfectionist?

-I was a hostess in a restaurant in New York when I was 21, and I was too good of an employee. I was putting most of my energy into that instead of acting. But my father told my sister and me to look at whatever needed to be done and do that job well, no matter what it was.

-What else do you and your sister have in common?

-We both tend not to pay much attention to what's socially acceptable, and we like to do crazy stuff. We both love to dance and will dance whenever, wherever, whether there's music playing or not. My whole family is very sarcastic and constantly making jokes.

-How are you two different?

-In seventh grade this kid didn't invite Zooey to his bar mitzvah. And she went right up to him and shouted, "Why didn't you invite me to your bar mitzvah?" I just love that. She is fearless. I would have called my mom crying.

-Is your mother a good shoulder to cry on?

-She's wonderful and sympathetic, but she's not just going to listen to you complain. Whenever I was considering giving up acting entirely, she'd remind me that life is hard and that the world doesn't owe you anything. You have to work your butt off to get your dreams. She'll make you take action — which I think is a good thing. You can enable people to wallow if you just listen and don't encourage them to change.

-You must be pretty fearless too.

-Yes, because acting is 99 percent rejection. I really wanted this role in Bones, but I've had to learn not to be too invested so I don't collapse on the floor when something doesn't work out. But I was definitely jumping around my apartment when I got it.

-Your career is taking off. How's the personal life?

-I have a boyfriend — he's British, a screenwriter, and a vegetarian. We've been together for over a year. We met through friends and would see each other here and there, and later he asked me to coffee.

-Wedding bells?

-We don't even live together — we've really taken it slow. I think a lot of women can lose themselves in a relationship and forget who they are and what they want. I've definitely done it. I don't make time for myself, or I make little compromises. I think women feel obligated to compromise. That can be a good thing, but often we take it too far. I had a boyfriend who smoked around me all the time. I respected his choice, but I gave up something very important to me — my health. You give and give, and one day you realize you gave up things you need. Or you just never asked for them. I don't want to do that right now. My sister and I just bought a duplex together in West Hollywood, and I think it's time to just have some fun.