Téma: Dr. Csont

csikrisz 2011 aug. 08. - 00:02:36 10/10
Jaj de kis helyes. :)
csikrisz 2011 aug. 07. - 23:00:06 10/10
Ha a FOX vezetõje így nyilatkozik, akkor nyert ügye van a Bones-nak a 8-9. évadra! :))))
csikrisz 2011 aug. 07. - 22:58:25 10/10
Jó hír emberek!

» TCA 2011: Fox says it would like to see more BONES beyond Seas

At today’s Summer 2011 Television Critics Association press tour, Fox’s Entertainment President Kevin Reilly spoke about how proud he was with their Thursday night staple BONES and would love to see it continue well into Season 8 and beyond.

“The producers and I would like to keep it going,” says Reilly. “And FINDER [its spin-off] is off to a great start. I see those shows as compatible and feeding off each other. I’m pretty darn happy with BONES on Thursday night. As CSI [on CBS] was fading, BONESis looking as resilient as ever. It’s a really valuable show to us. For all the things that are great about Fox, Fox has arguably had a more distinct brand than other Broadcast networks. Our audience profile likes a more adventurous show, yet we know the staples of television is the relationship of a franchise show and God blessBONES because they’ve delivered. It’s a fan favorite.”
csikrisz 2011 aug. 07. - 22:49:54 10/10
The real Demily :)
csikrisz 2011 aug. 07. - 22:43:39 10/10
Ezt annyira imádom! :D
csikrisz 2011 aug. 07. - 22:39:28 10/10
Szia! Hû, te már ott tartasz? Nagyon felpörgetted magad! :)
csikrisz 2011 aug. 07. - 22:00:43 10/10
"HH: We just cast the cutest child who has ever been on the planet as Baby Hodgins."

Awwwwwwwww. Már alig várom! :)))
csikrisz 2011 aug. 07. - 21:56:44 10/10
Nem kellett sokat várnotok:

Interjú Hart Hansonnal:
még nem olvastam csak berakom. Átfutom majd és ha van valami izgi, azt leírom magyarul is.

This weekend was all about Fox (with a dash of FX) at last night’s party held at Gladstone’s on-the-ocean restaurant in Malibu. The occasion, the Fox day at the summer press tour of the Television Critics Association. I found Bones and The Finder creator Hart Hanson just outside the jammed up area of the party so I figured it was the best time to grab a few minutes with him…that is, after we took our first-ever photo together. (For those who haven’t followed on Twitter, Hart has a habit of taking my picture on any press line he sees me). Here’s our chat with the Pacific Ocean but a few yards away.

Jim Halterman: You have so much going on between Bones and The Finder. How is your day structured?

Hart Hanson: Oh my God! Really? Times and everything?

JH: No, no. In general what is it like.

HH: I get up, I do my exercise because if I don’t I will never have another chance. I’m on the lot where I work all day, I run back and forth between the two shows. My office is in the same building as the Bones writers’ room. The original Bones office is where The Finder‘s writers room is and I trot up and down all day and I have a terrible time remembering what is happening on what show. A terrible time. People have to remind me all the time as though I’ve damaged my head.

Brennan’s going to be needing baby tips from Angela now that Baby Hodgins is here!
JH: Are you doing mornings at Bones, afternoon at The Finder?

HH: No! It’s whatever. It’s what comes when. I’ve always been a very absent-minded guy and now I am like Mr. Magoo or something. I hope I settle into it.

JH: What about the pregnancy?

HH: Here’s what I’ve realized about next season. Anything I say tells the audience what we’re going to do. Really! I can’t say anything! People say, ‘Are Booth and Brennan moving in together?’ Please watch the show and find out. ‘Are they not moving in together?’ Please watch the show and find out. I am so bad. Stephen Nathan has already said this much and maybe it’s my fault…we said the baby is going to be born and I was thinking ‘We shouldn’t even say that. We should let people worry about that!’ But now everybody knows the baby will be born. Really, even if we wanted to, we couldn’t have [Emily Deschanel] have the baby and then the character not.

JH: And what about Baby Hodgins? How is that going to play into the new season?

HH: We just cast the cutest child who has ever been on the planet as Baby Hodgins. When we made Hodgins and Angela have a baby, we did not know we would be repeating that story movement. But, luckily or fortuitously, these people are completely different in the way they’re going to raise their babies. There’s one couple that is married raising a baby and then there’s whatever the hell we’re going to do with Brennan, her baby and Booth and it’s giving us a tons of story. In fact, what we have to do is remember that this is a crime show and we solve murders. It’s not Relativity or Parenthood.

Will Booth (David Boreanaz) & Brennan (Emily Deschanel) be moving in together? Not living together? Hanson knows…but is he telling?
Q: So your priorities were forced to be altered, right?

HH: When Vincent was shot [last season] we knew Booth and Brennan would take comfort in each other’s arms. The part we didn’t have in our heads was when Emily got pregnant but we said, ‘Wait a minute! We have an opportunity here. We can jump the Moonlighting curse. We can just jump it.’ I’ve never said this before because I didn’t want to talk about the Moonlighting curse but what that is is that there’s a couple, there’s sexual tension and then they get together and there’s no sexual tension but everything else looks the same. They go through life exactly the same and it’s boring. You have to replace the sexual tension with something. We replaced it with a baby and now there’s a whole new thing for them to contend with. The ‘will they get together?’ still exists but in a different form. Are they sleeping together now? Are they not? I hope people tune in.

Will Cam get busy this season? Maybe not in the way Tamara Taylor wants…
Q: Will there be nursery at the Jefferson?

HH: There is a very good daycare at the Jefferson, which we will hardly ever go look at! What is Brennan, who likes to be up all night, going to have to do when she’s breastfeeding? [grins] Not that I’m saying she’s breastfeeding.

JH: Tamara [Taylor, whose interview during the same party will be posted soon!] was telling me that Cam needs to get busy this season.

HH: Someone has to, right!

JH: She seems to be very up for that!

HH: Believe me, I know. She’s up for it.

JH: She was a little afraid to tell me anything but there aren’t many single people left on the show, huh?

HH: I’m so terrifying! [laughs] Cam deserves…well, you just said it…how many people have we got left? The squinterns are there but even John Francis Daley has an on-again/off-again relationship that we’ll be looking at and then we have fun with Cam. Because, if we’re going to go thematic, she has a 17-year old daughter to deal with and that will be fun.

Michael Chiklis man handles Luke Kleintank (THE NEW SQUINT!) on last season’s NO ORDINARY FAMILY
Q: What can you tell about the new squints?

HH: The new squint is Finn Abernathy, played by an actor and his name is hilarious. Luke Kleintank. [laughs]

Q: Did you just cast him for that name?

HH: I thought, “How can we not cast someone named Luke Kleintank!’ But Finn is a Southern kid with a checkered past. He’s very well educated, graduated college by the time he was 16 but he attended the University College from juvie. He’s a problem. (Kleintank appears beginning in the 2nd episode of the season, according to TVGuide.com)
csikrisz 2011 aug. 07. - 21:53:17 10/10 Előzmény follia
Hodgins-ba valami nekem is nagyon tetszik. Talán a szeme? Nem tudom.. :)
csikrisz 2011 aug. 07. - 21:52:00 10/10
Sziasztok! Megjöttem barnán, kipihenten és teljesen feltöltõdötten vágok neki a hétnek. :)
OMG, micsoda új gyakornok! Mintha egy Diesel-reklámból lépett volna ki. Nem nézi elég nõ a sorozatot vagy mi?! :DDD
Tamara elég érdekesen fest azon a képen. Nem tudom eldönteni hogy tetszik-e. JFD és Michaela tetszik.
Mindjárt vadászok pár infót és jövök vissza. :)
Tgirl 2011 aug. 07. - 17:29:19 10/10 Előzmény follia
Köszönöm a választ:D

Úgy néznék már új részt:I
gopher 2011 aug. 07. - 10:50:23 10/10
Én inkább chippendale fiúnak:D Szerintem is Hodgins a nyerõ. Csak az a baj, hogy azt a szálat már nem lehet fokozni, csak ha szétszedik õket Angelával, de az nem lenne jó. Valószínûleg azért kell ez a szépfiú, akit Booth utálhat, vagy legalábbis csicskáztathat egy évadon keresztül.
follia 2011 aug. 07. - 10:45:42 10/10
az új kancsi: http://bonesspoilers.blogspot.com/2011/08/bones-scoop-meet-jeffersonians-new.html
uh, elsõre egy naptáron tudnám elképzelni... azt hittem, Wendellnél már nem kell "jobb pasi" a sorozatba. mármint nem nekem, hanem úgy egyáltalán. (mondjuk én még mindig Hodgins-fan vagyok! :D)
follia 2011 aug. 06. - 23:23:26 10/10
(FOX nyári party)
Tamara frufruját hogy megkurtították! :-O
7Csipi 2011 aug. 06. - 22:48:48
Nekem errõl mindig ez a videó jut eszembe..de régen volt.Most esetleg ki kinek fogja megköszönni?
7Csipi 2011 aug. 06. - 22:36:46
Neked legyen igazad..a remény hal meg utoljára.Azért kellene némi "kapcsolat".
follia 2011 aug. 06. - 22:34:23 10/10
jah, pl. stoppal! :) aztán mire odaérünk, annyira szánalmasan festünk majd, hogy hátha megsajnálnak minket, és beengednek... :D
7Csipi 2011 aug. 06. - 22:31:58
Mi is esetleg egyszer elindulhatnánk..
follia 2011 aug. 06. - 21:50:51 10/10
úgy látom, holnap lesz a Teen Choice Awards, amiben Zooey-nak is lesz valami szerepe, és Emily+David a jelöltek közt vannak.

ez a csajszi meg Bones-forgatáson járt: http://twitt.hu/a69
lejjebb találjátok a twitpic.com-os képeire mutató linkeket. pl. ezt: http://twitpic.com/61wfbj
nem is értem, ilyen könnyû bejutni a forgatásra, hogy még egy olasz és egy svájci lánynak is megy?
follia 2011 aug. 06. - 21:41:05 10/10
elõfordul az ilyen. legközelebb kérdezz bátran! :)