
Impro workshop in english with Gábor Szőke

Itt és Most Társulat
2024. október 26. (szombat) 14:00


Itt és Most Társulat
1092 Budapest, Ráday utca 18. Bejárat az Erkel utca 15. felől

C.E.D. – Child, Elderly, Drunk – Challenging Stereotypes
 An elderly person is a grumpy, demented, stumbling caricature.
The child speaks in a squeaky voice, kneels or squats, hysterically cries and screams.
The drunk person stutters trying to utter words, staggers, and possibly faints or vomits at some point in the scene…
In the past 10 years since I’ve been doing improv, I have seen numerous personalizations of such characters, some of them good, some of them even better. I have discovered the tendency of players turning towards the typical when it comes to playing them, and I started wondering about the thin red line that separates authentic from stereotypical. So here is your chance – come and join me, let’s challenge these stereotypes and discover together how we can portray children, elderly or drunken people in an authentic manner on the improv stage.

Trainer: Gábor Szőke