Amerika legkapzsibb bűnözői / Union Bu$ter / The Fool's Gold

American Greed / Union bu$ter / The fool's gold
14 éven alul nem ajánlott amerikai dokumentumfilm sorozat, I / 73. rész, 45 perc


2 szavazatból


2 szavazatból
23:00, szombat (február 08.)

5:00, vasárnap (február 09.)

11:00, vasárnap (február 09.)

Az aktuális rész ismertetője: "Union Bu$ter" The Sandhogs Local 147, a New York City construction union whose workers build tunnels and underground passageways, entrusts Melissa King with overseeing union benefits to ensure their retirements. Instead, King uses the workers funds to cut herself checks to the tune of $42 million. The union workers unwittingly foot the bill for King's household staff of maids, security guards and a personal chef. She racks up a $7 million American Express bill and buys her daughter's way into the high-end world of equestrian jumping _ spending nearly $5 million on horses and related expenses. The union finds out, but not before many of its members see their accounts reduced by $50,000 to $80,000 and are forced to return to the tunnels to continue working during their golden years. "The Fool's Gold" Carl Estep is a smooth-talking ladies-man who looks for love and money, all to fund his phony gold scheme. The Montana conman spins tales of riches, saying that he has hundreds of 55-gallon drums filled with "gold concentrate" and all he needs is cash to pay for refining the gold ore to make millions. But the only thing in those drums is dirt. When one lovelorn retired investor loses $220,000 to his scam, she informs the FBI and wears a wire to so the feds can see him in action. She thought she'd met "Mr. Right" and wanted that money to fund her retirement; now she finds herself back at work with her savings gone and wanting revenge.

A műsor ismertetése: Troy Titus pénzügyi gurunak adta ki magát, aki gazdagságot ígért ügyfeleinek. Valójában azonban egy piramisjátékkal csalta ki a pénzüket. Miért volt ellenállhatatlan?
Stephen Trantel férj, apa - és bankrabló. Brókerként sok százezer dollárt keresett, de miután elvesztette az állását, kétségbeesésében bűnözőnek állt.



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