Téma: Sherlock

Démétér456 2013 jún. 04. - 23:31:05 10/10
Oh, Mr. Holmes, I'd love to tell you. But then of course, I'd have to kill you.
That would be tremendously ambitious of you.
galen 2013 jún. 04. - 23:30:15 10/10
yesss és ahogy mondja az incognitot, attól mindig meghalok....
bruderlein 2013 jún. 04. - 23:29:26 10/10
That was tedious...
Démétér456 2013 jún. 04. - 23:29:25 10/10
És a That is why you call yourself Greg? :)
galen 2013 jún. 04. - 23:29:23 10/10
Sherlock: Phone Lestrade. Tell him there's an escaped rabbit.
Watson: Are you serious?
Sherlock: It's this or Cluedo.
Watson: Ah, no. We are never playing that again.
Sherlock: Why?
Watson: Because it's not actually possible for the victim to have done it, Sherlock.
bruderlein 2013 jún. 04. - 23:29:01 10/10
O.o pont ugyan ezt akartam meg beirni a Houndshoz.. meg persze:

Either this, or Cluedo!
Oh no, we are never playing this again!
Why ever not?
Because it's not possible Sherlock for the victim to do it.
That was the only logical solution!
Not in the rules.
Than the rules are wrong!
galen 2013 jún. 04. - 23:28:14 10/10
Watson: Did we just break in to a military base to investigate a rabbit?
Démétér456 2013 jún. 04. - 23:27:46 10/10
J: You went on the tube like that.
S: None of the cabs would take me.
bruderlein 2013 jún. 04. - 23:27:04 10/10
Nekem a Hounds-bol ez az egyik kedvenc idezetem:
I have a lot of fingers in a lot of pies. I like to mix things up. Genes, mostly. Now and again, actual fingers.
galen 2013 jún. 04. - 23:26:19 10/10
Sherlock: Your mind. It's so placid. Straightforward. Barely used. Mine's like an engine, racing out of control. A rocket, tearing itself to pieces trapped on the launch pad. I need a case!
Watson: You've just solved one by harpooning a dead pig, apparently.
bruderlein 2013 jún. 04. - 23:25:49 10/10
So we go 'round the sun. If we went 'round the moon or round and round the garden like a teddy bear it wouldn't make any difference. All that matters to me is the work. Without that my brain rots. Put that in your blog. Or better still, stop inflicting your opinions on the world.

De ami elotte van az is jo...
This is my hard drive and it only makes sense to put things in there that are useful. Really useful. Ordinary people fill their heads with all kinds of rubbish. And that makes it hard to get at the stuff that matters.
galen 2013 jún. 04. - 23:24:07 10/10
A Hounds-ról nem is beszélve... ott minden van :)
Démétér456 2013 jún. 04. - 23:23:25 10/10
Na igen, a klasszikus "What is it like in your funny little brains... it must be so boring."
Ezt hányszor mondom a környezetemnek, de engem persze nem vesznek komolyan :)
galen 2013 jún. 04. - 23:22:16 10/10
bruderlein 2013 jún. 04. - 23:21:45 10/10
O igen, azok is nagyon jok.. meg azert a sertegetesi is dijnyertesek :)
ugy altalban imadom a Sherlock - John eszmecsereket... Because you're an idiot.. don't look like that, practically everybody is... :)

SH "Treat her as royalty!"
JW "Although not the way, she treats royalty..."
galen 2013 jún. 04. - 23:20:39 10/10
ó, a Can't you nekem is,
imádom a Teddy bears in the garden-t, bocs nem tudom szó szerint és milyen kis megbánva fordul vissza, mikor látja, hogy John elmegy (pár mondat átugorva)
galen 2013 jún. 04. - 23:16:27 10/10
nagyon szeretem a zenéjét
Démétér456 2013 jún. 04. - 23:14:57 10/10
Nekem a twitter nagy reveláció volt: pokolian helyesek a "híresek", szinte bárki szóba elegyedik az emberek. Én Louise Brealey-vel váltottam néhány tweet-et, nagyon édes egy nõ :)
Démétér456 2013 jún. 04. - 23:12:25 10/10
Tudom, hogy sablonos, de akkor is a kedvencem a "The man with the key is king, and honey, you should see me in a crown." A mimika, a hangsúly, az egész.
Sherlocktól meg Johntól talán túl sok kedvenc van... :)
Irene-tól pedig természetesen a "Well, I am. Look at us both."
És Molly a "How did Sherlock recognized her from... not her face?"
Jut eszembe Mollyról a "Mine's black, two sugars. I'll be upstairs." Meg a "Sorry, gotta dash. Left my riding crop in the mortuary." :))))
bruderlein 2013 jún. 04. - 23:11:57 10/10