Téma: Nyomtalanul

Móni35 2009 máj. 22. - 20:55:30 10/10
Erre max 1 % esély van, ha van.
Zsuscy 2009 máj. 22. - 20:54:46 10/10
muszály helyesen muszáj
Móni35 2009 máj. 22. - 20:53:23 10/10
Én azért még nem vagyok túl rajta, idõvel talán.
Zsuscy 2009 máj. 22. - 20:52:58 10/10 Előzmény Móni35
Hozzánk is eljöhetne népszerûsíteni a sorozatot,de én elõbb
megsúgnám neki, hogy elõbb a Viasat 3 gyõzze meg arról,ne
éjjel vetítse, hanem fõmûsorba, s így minél több nézõ nézheti meg "újdonságként" a legkedvesebb sorozatomat.-)
Zsuscy 2009 máj. 22. - 20:46:25 10/10 Előzmény Móni35
Nem szeretném a cegényt mégegyszer így látni, igaz én is ezt tettem, remélem te is, és gondolom a rajongói, valamint
a sorozat kedvelõi is:-((
Bízni kell, bízni muszály, én ezt teszem s remélem jövõre,
nekem az sem késõ, ....évadot folyt...:-*)
Zsuscy 2009 máj. 22. - 20:42:17 10/10 Előzmény Móni35
Nekem is !!!!
Remélem túlélted te is!!! Örülök az örömödnek, továbbra is
folytathatjuk a beszélgetést:-*)
Zsuscy 2009 máj. 22. - 20:39:55 10/10 Előzmény Móni35
Biztosan sokat osztogatott:-*)
Sajna nemcsak a pasiról, de autógramjáról is lekéstem:-(((
Zsuscy 2009 máj. 22. - 20:38:23 10/10 Előzmény Móni35
Kettõ is? De nekem elég egy is, egész éjjel elbeszélgetnék
Engem is!!! Fordítgatom nagy nehez:-(((
Móni35 2009 máj. 22. - 09:38:53 10/10
Móni35 2009 máj. 21. - 19:49:54 10/10
Figy...itt van még egy érdekes interjú, aztán befejeztem :-)

Are you surprised? (referring to the cancellation)
I saw it coming since I read the script from the last episode. I asked if that was the end of the show but I was told it wasn't. They lied to me.

Do you like how WAT ends?
No. How many tv shows run 7 seasons? Not so many. The show deserved a most impressive end, not a weak one.

It could be the crisis?
Nonsense. All of us (the actors) agreed to lower our salaries and it hasn't made any difference. CBS had a decision taken months ago.

So how do you feel?
A mix of emotions. I'm mad and dissapointed. But also relieved.

I suddenly feel 20 years younger. After 7 seven years I think it's time to move on in my career. But first I'm going to take at least 6 months of vacation.

I'm so jealous!
I'm going to spend time with my daughter and play as much soccer as I can.

In a couple of days you are going to Rome. Are you going to visit the family? (I think the reporter believed, since he is half italian, his family lives in Rome xDD)
No, I'm going to see the Champion League's final. [winks]

Barcelona or Manchester United?

Are you a 'culé'? (That's how Barça fans are called... it means 'butt' in catalan, Catalunya's second language. Why are they called like that?? That's a long long story xDD)
No, I'm a Real Madrid fan.

I think Real Madrid fans aren't going to enjoy your answer (I'm one of them dry.gif laugh.gif )
I know, but as a foreigner I have a objective opinion. I love la Liga (spanish soccer league for those who aren't familiar with). Besides, I don't like Manchester for a lot of reasons.

I hate the way Glazer manages it as it was a business.
Móni35 2009 máj. 21. - 18:19:34 10/10
Most néztem meg. Ez is egy kissé döcögõs filmecske, de eddig a legjobb amit láttam tõle. Kimondottan tetszett! Persze a Nyomtalanul után :-)
zuzan 2009 máj. 21. - 17:25:58 10/10
HOL lehet kapni az Architect -et ?
kössz , magyarul van, vagy feliratos?
zuzan 2009 máj. 21. - 17:21:48 10/10 Előzmény zuzan
BL döntõ úgy néztem 27.-én lessz este
zuzan 2009 máj. 21. - 17:07:36 10/10
Móni35 2009 máj. 21. - 15:32:14 10/10
Ha jól tudom Rómába jön a Bajnokok Ligájára, de majd ha hallok valami pontosabbat elmesélem.
Móni35 2009 máj. 21. - 15:20:35 10/10
Irigylésre méltó, az biztos :-)

OK so here I go.

First of all, I'm still shaking... can you believe it?? I have been waiting since I was 14 years old to meet him, and I finally did!!! (IMG:style_emoticons/default/wub.gif)

Sorry, I'll start.

We had a hard time finding the damn hotel. I love my city, but sometimes I hate it, like today. I felt like I was going to get there and he would have gone. So we hurried up and we finally found the hotel. We went all around just to see if there were more exits, but no, there was only one. We were walking all around the hotel and suddenly I saw through a fence a camara and I was like: 'Stop, go back'. I went back, tried to make my vision through all the bushes and saw him. I SAW HIMMMMM!!


I think I yelled a little bit. My knees got weak and I started to shake. He was talking to a group of people and made a lot of pictures. You're gonna die now: HE TOOK OFF HIS SHIRT AND PUT ON ANOTHER ONE... this is the best part: SEVERAL TIMES. I was like: 'Wasn't he so shy he didn't take his shirt even at his own room??' Apparently he didn't have any problem taking it in front of about 6 people. Nothing that bothers me I'll have to say xD

He spent a lot of time taking pictures with the reporters and stuff. This was my view:


I remember they gave him a basketball ball to take him a pic doing that thing where they make it turn around (I don't know how is it called).

So after waiting an hour and a half I saw he put his sunglasses on and waved goodbye. My mind: GO TO THE ENTRANCE!!

I went and suddenly saw him. He was with a woman, who was probably his translator or something, and another guy.

So I go there and ask the woman, 'Can I take a picture with him?' and she said 'I don't know, I'm gonna ask him'. Meanwhile Anthony was talking with that guy and heard him say something about Barcelona and the Champion's League Final, so girls in ROME!! Stay tunned!! He might go there!!

The woman asks him and he looks at me, sunglasses on and a cigarrette in his hand. 'Of course!!'. Here's the conversation:

Me: Thank you so much Anthony

ALP: Oh no, thanks to you

*Takes the pic with me*


And then:

Me: Can you please sign me an autograph??

ALP: Of course

I give him my notebook...

Me: Its’s been so hard for me to find you. I couldn’t find the hotel. I’m Spanish, and I just found out today in an American forum that you were in Madrid. So I said to myself, I have to find him!!

ALP: And you did!! (He was looking at me with quite a surprise expression xD)

Me: Yeah (IMG:style_emoticons/default/laugh.gif)

He signs the autograph and he says: What’s that? The american forum?

Me: It’s called Yourtaxdollarsatwork.org and it’s a forum where we talk about CSI, WAT, Bones

ALP: Bones?? I’m friend of the guy of Bones. His son goes at the same school as my daughter's

Me: lol *I was such a little girl, I laughed at everything he said!! xD*

Me: I just wanted to ask you a big favor, can you please say hello to the girls from YT$AW? (When he got it wrong I was so nervous I told him 'They already know who they are so don't worry'. That was kind of stupid, I know but I was so NERVOUS and I felt like he was going to leave at any time. Sorry. I also asked him to say hello to the spanish forum, which he kindly does)

ALP: Sure


Me: Thank you so much

And this is the best part. I was going to leave after I said goodbye and he went to hug me!! I'll say it again... HE WANTED TO HUG ME!! So I obviously HUGGED HIM!! He was so sweet!! And he smells great btw!! AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!! (IMG:style_emoticons/default/wub.gif)

Oh I almost forgot. When he went into the car he took my pen with him, and I was already away and suddenly I hear the woman. HEY!! YOU FORGOT YOUR PEN!! I wouldn't have mind if he kept it xD

And that's all!! Hope you have enjoyed it!!

Small notes:
1) I thought he was taller.
2) He was so sweet. I think I already said that right??
3) He was so freaking hot!!
4) Didn't spot Gia (nor the ring...) so I guess he came alone.

I was really surprised. He could have easily said he was on a hurry and no videos, no photo no nothing, but he kindly stayed with me. The chofer was waiting for him. So yeah, HE IS FREAKING AWESOME!! AND I LOVE HIM EVEN MORE NOW!!
Móni35 2009 máj. 21. - 15:18:25 10/10
Egyedül jött igen. Akkor mindjárt felrakom az egész beszámolót. Szerintem már hazautazott.
zuzan 2009 máj. 21. - 13:54:39 10/10 Előzmény Móni35
az jó lenne kössz
zuzan 2009 máj. 21. - 13:54:06 10/10
sajna én sem tudok most azonnal Madridba repulni, pedig mennék ..
nem tudod meddig marad? egyedül jött? irigylem a csajt nagyon a mázlista . de ha már ott van, esetleg erre is jöhetne ..
Móni35 2009 máj. 21. - 09:41:56 10/10