Gangaray Youth Ensemble: Fragments

táncelőadás, 2 felvonás, 80 perc, 2022., 14 éves kortól

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Lost (in) life // Fake reality // Virtti // ‘Where is she’ // Do you?
Lost (in) life: "My mother once told me I was like water. Water can carve its way even through stone.
And when trapped, water makes a new path." - Arthur Golden
Fake reality: The piece speaks about having eating disorders and be a dancer. The dancer thinks that
she is in the hospital because she went really far with her food issues. Although she loves dancing
and tries to face the reality through dance. The problem is that, she doesn't realize what is the reality
Vrtti: Let’s enter the carrousel, we named it Chris. It goes up and down, turning from side to side,
you can change position, be in the teacup that can turn as fast as you want. As you sit there, an

endless spiral starts to create. You lose the notion of time and space; will I even be able to walk after
all of this spinning?
‘Where is she’: An exploration towards loss in the aspect of self and love. From him, for me, to her.
Do you?: We decided to talk about...
We decided to dance about the stones in our chest. The stones that we all carry in a noisy street. But
no time, no space, no energy to take care of them. Everybody is busy with something else while the
voices around us are becoming too loud.
We would like to reflect on how much what surrounds us affects us.
Covered with constant dynamics, we try to protect the stones, they sway, but we won't let them fall.
We dance, not knowing the purpose of holding them within, ever more we dance until the noises
around us

Performers / Előadók:
Mészáros Fanni, Baráth Míra, Christiana Orfanou, Clara Bourdin, Ryley Krauss, Victoria Thorrud,
Michelle Tchelet, Sophie Pulford, Elina Karacosta, Kobler Nicole, Karsai Lúcia
The cornerstone of the Gangaray Artistic Youth Ensemble Program is the creation of a professionally
unquestionable Hungarian and international standard. For 9 years now, we have been working with
our dancers from all over the world, keeping in mind foreign trends. During our work, the young
dancers who have been admitted will gain a deep insight into a world that will show them how
companies and choreographers work, thus expanding our professional development for their future.
In addition to the repertoires of the Gangaray Dance Company, the dancers can present themselves
with their own pieces and introduce themselves to the domestic Hungarian audience.

A Gangaray Artistic Youth Ensemble Program alapköve egy szakmailag megkérdőjelezhetetlen
magyarországi és nemzetközi színvonal létrehozása.

Immáron 9 éve a külföldi irányzatokat szem előtt tartva működünk táncosainkkal, akik a világ minden
tájáról érkeznek hozzánk. Munkánk alatt mély betekintést kapnak a felvételt elnyert fiatal táncosok
egy olyan világba, mely megmutatja nekik, milyen módon dolgoznak együttesek, koreográfusok, ezzel is hozzájárulva szakmai fejlődésükhöz. A Gangaray Dance Company repertoárjai mellett a táncosok önálló darabjaikkal és bemutatkozhatnak a hazai közönségnek.

Bemutató időpontja:

2022. március 11.,
